# Q) How should data be saved before sending to DB when user is adding?
# Option 1: Local array
# Option 2: vuex-orm
Positive of saving data in vuex-orm
1. It is state hence it will survice even if user clicks on cross and that removes the tab and hence component local variable is lost
2. It will make code of all components similar since each field will have computed property and getter setter for each computed property
field 1 -> computed property 1 -> getter 1 -> setter 1
When a input field is changed v-model maintain 2 way reactivity and hence v-model will update the field.
Ref: https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/forms.html#v-model-with-Components
If we do add through array each component will implement it differently.
3. Since we will use vuex-orm localforage hence data will also survice browser refresh
4. Since submit button will be a state value when submit is pressed some other component will watch if submit is pressed and then act on the data. This will make the work more seperate.
The name of component watchForUserSubmit
This function will find
let results = store.getters['entities/allDirty']();
Ref: https://github.com/vuex-orm/plugin-change-flags
How to do it? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57218760/two-way-data-binding-with-vuex-orm