# Q1) What folders are used to make vuex-orm work?

  1. models
  2. database
  3. store
  4. data

# The sequence is:

Step 1: Make the models

Step 2: Register them to database

Step 3: Register the DB to the store.

Step 4: Import the models where you want to use them.

# Q2) What is the pattern being followed for vuex-orm?

This file is structured based on: https://github.com/vuex-orm/vuex-orm-examples-nuxt/

# Q3 What is this folder used for?

This directory contains your Vuex Store files. Vuex Store option is implemented in the Nuxt.js framework.

Creating a file in this directory automatically activates the option in the framework.

More information about the usage of this directory in the documentation.